NOBL and Internal Services

We work with your own internal specialists to accelerate transformation

Organizations we work with often already have internal services—HR, OD—dedicated to transformation. Why bring in outside help? We work with your own internal change and transformation specialists, providing a new and reliable approach, and needed momentum:

  • We’re an extra set of hands. Sometimes internal teams are passionate about an upcoming change, but they simply don’t have the resources to support it. We can serve as the lead on change projects, allowing them to focus on other work that only they can do. 
  • We bring diverse experience. No one knows your organizational culture better than your employees—after all, they work in it every day. But we’ve seen how change occurs (or doesn’t) in hundreds of different organizations, so we’ve seen every permutation of what can go right, or wrong, with a given initiative. We’ll provide unique insights to avoid common pitfalls, and work with your team to understand cultural nuances.
  • We’re a neutral third-party. The unfortunate reality is that internal services are often hamstrung by their own organizations, either considered politically biased or ineffectual. We bring an outside perspective, but seek to involve them in the change: training them as needed and giving them tools (and opportunities) to continue the change work long after we’re gone.

See how we compare to other change models, and why our approach works for modern organizations.

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