In the “virtual office” that many of us currently work in, the biggest percentage of everyone’s schedule is made up of Zoom meetings—which is why we’ve put together a simple guide to help answer the perennial question: should this be a meeting?

Reduce workload and bring better work-life balance by evaluating what decisions require meetings and what can be resolved by email
Preparing for 2025 means your change initiatives will be stay on track despite disruption
87.5% of organizations fall short of their digital transformation goals. Avoid these pitfalls and move from laggard to leader.
If you’re leading a change initiative and it's put on pause or cancelled, how should you respond?
Leaders naturally want to move fast—but watch out for these common speedbumps
The early stages of transformation are fraught with conflicting signals and feelings, but within that turmoil lies an opportunity for profound self-reflection and growth
Modern leadership isn’t one type of leadership; it must be a blend of approaches
Some resistance to change is normal—but if change feels too disruptive or like it's stalling out, leaders may need to reassess.
Committing to a change can feel scary—but teams have to make the jump
Organizations desperately need a new framework for navigating change that recognizes they’re experiencing radically new conditions.
If teams believe they don't have the right to make decisions about how they work, they won't feel responsible for making change
Whether you report to one, manage one, or are one, the middle manager is often a thankless role within the organization. They have to deal with the “relentless and conflicting” influx of demands, serving as gatekeeper between senior and junior levels. And while they’re meant to have autonomy over their direct reports, they often get stuck enforcing decisions made by those above them.
"Uncertainty" and "risk" are different—and require different responses to navigate
Before people accept a solution, they have to agree there's a problem. Telling a story—and illustrating their part to play—can make transformation easier
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Join the 16k+ leaders subscribed to our weekly tools and inspiration
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